By Sikander Hayat

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Yemen are under effective American occupation. Latin America was pacified during the reign of Ronald Reagan and “evil empire” of Soviet Union is long gone. Times are tough both for US and the Muslims around the world. Especially Muslims living as minorities in Western countries. With each passing day their future is becoming more and more bleak. The Al-Qaeda Terrorists are doing their best to isolate Muslims living in Europe & America from the mainstream societies and having a considerable success in doing so. With each and every attack or attempted attack on western interests, press coverage is painting all Muslims with the same brush.
America is a juggernaut which will only change course when its time as an empire runs out like it did for Romans and Greeks before them. America will keep interfering in unstable parts of the world because when it does not, it gets blamed for not doing so. America will remain pro Israel as no one in America dare take a different stance.
America will remain a free market capitalist democracy where share owners have created a great corporate democratic process by involving themselves in corporate affairs and therefore any wealth creation or recession is more equally shared than ever before.
People will keep migrating to America in the foreseeable future no matter how many walls are built by Obama and any future presidents. America will keep growing at a rate of 4% on average in the foreseeable future.
America can win this war but it has to make some choices. Not bullying what it perceives to be weaker countries is the most important one of them all. I believe, as an empire, it is not capable of not bullying. It has done so in the past and it will keep doing it until it is replaced by another one. But then every empire has its day of reckoning and America will fall as well as others
did before it but that would happen not because china was too strong or Russia stopped cooperating with America but because Empires at one stage or another become too big for there own good and give way to others who must go through the same cycle as others before them.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Yemen are under effective American occupation. Latin America was pacified during the reign of Ronald Reagan and “evil empire” of Soviet Union is long gone. Times are tough both for US and the Muslims around the world. Especially Muslims living as minorities in Western countries. With each passing day their future is becoming more and more bleak. The Al-Qaeda Terrorists are doing their best to isolate Muslims living in Europe & America from the mainstream societies and having a considerable success in doing so. With each and every attack or attempted attack on western interests, press coverage is painting all Muslims with the same brush.
America is a juggernaut which will only change course when its time as an empire runs out like it did for Romans and Greeks before them. America will keep interfering in unstable parts of the world because when it does not, it gets blamed for not doing so. America will remain pro Israel as no one in America dare take a different stance.
America will remain a free market capitalist democracy where share owners have created a great corporate democratic process by involving themselves in corporate affairs and therefore any wealth creation or recession is more equally shared than ever before.

People will keep migrating to America in the foreseeable future no matter how many walls are built by Obama and any future presidents. America will keep growing at a rate of 4% on average in the foreseeable future.
America can win this war but it has to make some choices. Not bullying what it perceives to be weaker countries is the most important one of them all. I believe, as an empire, it is not capable of not bullying. It has done so in the past and it will keep doing it until it is replaced by another one. But then every empire has its day of reckoning and America will fall as well as others

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