At the risk of being thrown from the ramparts of Edinburgh castle, fed to the lions of Antwerp zoo or drowned in Barcelona harbour, let me venture this thought: separatism is an exaggerated threat to the European state system. The UK, Belgium, Spain and other countries that contain restive national minorities and regions are not about to disappear in a puff of smoke. The conventional wisdom is that Europe’s debt crisis is fuelling independence movements in places such as Scotland, Catalonia, the Basque Country , Flanders and Italy’s German-speaking Alto Adige ( South Tyrol ). It is striking that all these places are in the north of their respective countries and, Scotland excepted, are more prosperous than regions to the south. The Catalans, Flemish and South Tyroleans are said to resent paying high taxes to support their less well-off and allegedly corrupt and idle compatriots in Andalusia, Wallonia and Calabria. There is clearly something to this argum...
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