Unmistakably, the recent upheaval in Kashmir, occasioned by an expression of a submerged freedom sentiment, and tainted with blood, has brought a tectonic shift in the public opinion in India. Although the recent unrest has not engendered a similar response elsewhere in the world, there is no gainsaying that Kashmiri’s main target audience resides not in the capitals of Western or Eastern countries- whose foreign policy priorities are dictated by their national interests- but in their own backyard. In pursuit of their freedom objectives, Kashmiris need to engage their would-be emancipators who live across Kashmir’s borders in India and Pakistan. The public in India needs education on the ground situation in Kashmir. Thanks to privatization of TV channels a new generation of Indian journalists, for example NDTV’s incisive Burkha Dutt, is slowly but steadily arriving on the scene. In a perfect world, the Indian TV channels would be expected to telecast the events in Kashmir as faithfully...
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