There Is Only One Reason For Fighting In Balochistan & That Is The Insistance Of Three Local Sardars out Of Many Who Do not Want Balochistan Developed

Corrupt Sardars
Baluchistan is very, very poor, apart from a select few men. These are the sardars, tribal chieftains who rule their supporters with an iron fist.These sardars don't want Baluchis to be rich or well-educated. They want them as vassals. Balach Marri was one such sardar, and was a multi-millionaire. I have limited sympathy for his globetrotting kinsmen. If the chieftains really cared about the wellbeing of their serfs, they would allow the central government to develop Baluchistan. Instead, they attack any sign of central intervention that threatens their priveleged economic position.
Outside Interference
CIA is pouring millions into Baluchi sparatist movements as a way of undermining Iran (which has Baluchi minorities), its spilling over into Pakistan, Baluchistan is one of the main gas providers in the region with Soui Gas of Pakistan
Are you really that dumb to think the Sardars of that region are fighting for the rights of the common/poor folk?
What the Baluch people need is infrastructure built like schools, hospitals etc etc. The pakistani govt should ensure this. Musharaf is the only prez that has invested in that region.
I remember watching a documentary about the Mugsy tribe; how the grand pa Mugsy had built a huge university where cattle roam now through the dilapidated facility. When the present Sardar was asked why it was not functioning and in a state of neglect. The answer was obvious, they did not want a empowerment thru education of the common man.
Infighting In Baluchistan
Peter Tatchell can you also write about the inter warring of the Baluch tribe also, which has been going on for centuries not decades...the Bugti against the Marri, the Kalams against the etc
Another View On the Reasons For Fighting
This so called war has been going on since many years and is based on a very simple fact and that is:-
When Pakistan was partitioned from India by the British, they left a system that was created to suit the Raj, and was based on Jagirdars, Sardars (land owners).
These crooks (traitors) were not elected but were selected and placed by the British and did their biding to maintain the Raj.
But when Pakistan came into being they demanded separation from Pakistan and have tried to create a state within a state, which means only one thing that they were and are still traitors.
These jag-sardars have sabotaged many central government projects that would have brought prosperity to the region; one in particular is a Dam (largest in the world) which would have brought prosperity and given the North West complete autonomy.
This and many other worthwhile projects have been sabotaged at times physically.
To enlighten you even further these Jag-sardars have well armed militia numbering thousands (so the innocent people killed you mention, mostly consist of these malitia) who rampage across Pakistan killing, kidnapping and looting thus creating chaos.
For many years and even now most of the stolen vehicles (mostly at gun point) are taken by them and are in the North West, the Red mosque also had close links with them.
Till recently it was impossible to travel to these parts of Pakistan in fear of being kidnapped, killed or simply disappear.
There are many, many more criminal incidents linked to these bast---s.
I have seen "Anjuman Ithehad Marri" gambling in London casinos, with cheap women by his side, he lives in a plush apartment in central London and at times stays at expensive hotels so would he be kind enough to explain where he acquired all this wealth from or did he smuggle all this money too?
Now that you have learnt a few facts I would suggest you rewrite this article and include them too.
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