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Pakistani Taliban – The butchers of Pakhtunkhwa (NWFP)

By Sikander Hayat

I once had a chance to listen to a song by Jaques Brel, a famous Belgian francophone. This song reminds me of the butchers operating in our Pakhtoonkhwa (also known as NWFP) province. What Brel sings about in ‘Amsterdam’ is what these so called warriors of Islam are doing to the innocent women, children and other civilians of this area.
Sooner these bastards are crushed the better as these people are not worthy of being called humans let alone Muslims.
They want to take my country back to the 14th century and they call it the will of God. Well let me tell you this very clearly, Islam prospered in the 14th century and thereafter because it was the most modern thing the mankind had seen until that time and it kept itself apace with the developments in world and that was the reason that Muslims ruled large areas of this earth until the end of the Ottoman empire which was the most secular empire for a long time while it acquired knowledge from all corners of earth.

Pakistanis must fight against this plague of so called Islamic warriors

1. Who forcibly take young girls from their parents and give them to some foreign Jihadist ( an act against the laws of war in Islam)

2. Who force people to grow beards when Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) never forced this issue

3. Who have no qualifications in Islamic Jurisprudence but pass judgments on learned scholars and behead them

4. Who force people to give them food and on non compliance, kill innocent civilians

5. Who force the local population to shelter them and threaten with death if not in compliance
6. Who don’t pray five time a day, don’t fast or do any other Islamic duties because they declare themselves at war and while they are at war these basic tenants of Islam are not applicable to them.

7. Whose version of Islam only deals in death and bloodshed and nothing else, their Islam does not teach them compassion, forgiveness or any such fundamentals of Islam.

I hereby ask all Pakistanis that you see these ignorant killers for what they are and stop supporting them even in your hearts.
It is because of these people that our enemies are on our doors; it is because of these people that India found the courage to question us.
Who among you is against the education of your daughters, well these ignoramuses are against any enlightenment that your daughters might get by going to school. They don’t want our daughters to have education or a good chance in life. Do you want these ignorant people to succeed in their unholy mission? If not then stand up and be counted wherever you are and call this massacre what it is. Let’s say labaik to this call for freedom and justice as This is the call of our time or we shall not be able to say that we provided the best we could for our children.


  1. Where is Pak Govt writ?There are reports that these ignorant Taliban are killing innocent Pukhtuns, there are many reports that identify people beheaded and hanged on trees and poles at the unfortunate ‘Grain chowk’ now identified as ‘khooni chowk’ (The bloody crossing)Where is the writ of government? Why isn’t anything being done is the questions generally raised by people after reading the bloody incidents taking place in Swat on daily basisWhat Islam do they want to preach? Today Swat is also waiting for justice that has been denied to many in the pages of history.
    These ignorant mullahs and Taliban have no right to stop girls from going to schools,or imposing their views on peacful Pukhtuns.

  2. Ottoman Empire became secular and hence it declined. Stop showing to the world that all the Pakistani citizens share your secularist agenda. Fudge off. Are you innocent after spreading this filth anymore? Who are you to decide that who is innocent and who is not?

  3. Pakistan needs to take a firm decision against terrorists. Just denying doesnt work. It is the ISI which is funding these activities and Pakistan knows it.

  4. Secularism is name of Progress,if you think that its ok to support cruel ignorant Taliban then you must be insane.Taliban are agents of WAHABIISM,Which is a Islamic version of Saudi Arabia,we follow Islam of Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh)not Saudi's royal family Islam.In Pakistan ignorant Taliban and mullahs even can't write thier name.

  5. Hey don't bother (Wahhabi Backward Mullah),he is thinking about 40 virgin girls,he gonna get after killing some innocent people.

  6. The News International

    Blood and Swat

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    This is in reference to Ayaz Amir's article of Feb 20. The crux of his argument is that the government and the military had exhausted all their options, implying that this capitulation to the Taliban was the only option and that this might well have to be done in FATA and settled districts like Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan.

    I have a question for the writer. How many more Pakhtun youth will become cannon fodder for the jihadis in their proxy wars? How many Pakhtun mothers do our drawing-room columnists want to send to the graves of their children? Let Pakhtun blood serve its cause. Long live Islam and long live the Taliban.

    Riaz Ahmed

    Village Shamozai, Swat

  7. A war for survival, says Gilani
    Hindu - Chennai,India
    10 may 2009

    “This is our war, it is a war for the country’s survival, it is a war for the future of our people,” he said. “I appeal to the people to support the Army as they are fighting for the country’s future”.

    This is not a war for the country’s survival, it is a war for the survival/protection of Punjab which gets fat with American dollars ($) and Pakhtuns resources, paid with the very cheap blood of Pakhtuns to the "west" spectators.


  8. Military operation not solution of Swat problem: Khurshid

    ISLAMABAD (SANA): Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Naib Amir Professor Khurshid Ahmed has said that military operation was not the solution of the Swat problem.

    Talking to a private TV channel here on Saturday, he said that the reconciliatory efforts to be taken in order to get the country out of the incumbent problem.

    He also said that NWFP government did not setup ‘Darul Qaza’ in Swat to address the demand of Maulana Sufi Muhammad.

    He further said that the operation in the previous government was proved fruitless; therefore, the reconciliatory efforts were the need of the time.

    He said that the presence of US army in Afghanistan was the basic cause of the problem.


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