The fiscal cliff talks are (surprise, surprise) at an impasse. President Obama has now rejected the GOP's latest uncompromising compromise and insisted that he won't make a deal unless tax rates on the top 2 percent rise. How do you see this standoff playing out?The
breathless and phony countdown to the fiscal cliff — What if they can’t
agree? What if we fall off? Can America possibly survive? — is media
hype, a desperate effort to drum up a drama to keep viewers and readers
tuned in now that the election is over. It’s a Road Runner cartoon,
Beltway-edition. And it’s going to end with a whimper like the
similarly apocalyptic, now long-forgotten Y2K scare of the turn of the
millennium. Everyone knows the Republicans are going to fold — the Republicans know they
are going to fold — and the only question to be resolved is when and on
what terms. They have zero leverage. It’s not only that they lost the
election; they continue to decline in national polls, with the latest Pew survey
showing that 53 percent of Americans will blame the GOP (and only 27
percent will blame President Obama) if there’s no deal by January. The
party has no national leader still standing except John Boehner, who
can’t even command the loyalty of his own caucus in the House. Let’s
hope that Obama, who is showing the admirable take-no-prisoners
toughness he lacked last time around, continues on his current firm path
once the Republicans start to buckle. There is a lot more at stake in
the negotiations beyond the upper-echelon tax rates that the GOP will
soon have to retreat on.
Even Boehner's rejected proposal (which did not concede on raising the top marginal rates) was derided as unacceptable by tea-party hard-liners like Jim DeMint. Is the Party of No risking, as Politico has it, a civil war?Civil
war? No, that war has been won already by the radical right. Even
conservative southern senators like Lindsey Graham and Saxby Chambliss now fear primary challenges in 2014 from the radicals. That’s why Chambliss quickly smoothed things over with Grover Norquist
after trying to back away from the anti-tax pledge a couple of weeks
ago. The GOP belongs to DeMint and Rand Paul and Paul Ryan and Norquist.
This party is so far right that even an appearance by Bob Dole in a
wheelchair on the Senate floor this week to garner support for a
humanitarian measure — the ratification of a U.N. treaty for people with
disabilities — failed to persuade
enough Republicans to join Democrats so that it might pass. Some of the
few GOP senators who did vote for it were Olympia Snowe, Richard Lugar,
and Scott Brown — all centrists who’ll be gone from the Senate next
The Times reported
that Mike Bloomberg called Hillary Clinton a few months ago to
encourage her to run for mayor of New York. Does Bloomberg's chutzpah
surprise you? And what do you imagine Hillary thought?Was it
chutzpah or condescension? Why in the world would Hillary Clinton want
to be mayor of New York City after having served as a highly regarded
secretary of State, and with the solid prospect of a successful
presidential run in her future? So she could be embarrassed in a snow
emergency or a labor impasse or City Hall scandal and lose the political
capital she accrued? This was Bloomberg’s truly impressive ego talking.
He can’t be president, and perhaps he doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to
be president either. And if she — a far bigger national figure than he
is — were to follow him as mayor, it would be retroactively flattering
to him. I can’t imagine what Hillary thought about this nonsense, but it
would be certainly a riot to hear the thoughts of the city council
president, Christine Quinn, Bloomberg’s previously presumed favorite as a
successor. He treated her like the help.
The Washington Post yesterday published
a somewhat similar tale of ample self-esteem and wishful thinking, with
Bob Woodward reporting that Roger Ailes tried to enlist David Petraeus
to run for president in 2012. Does Ailes’s choice of dream candidate
tell us anything we didn't know about Fox News?No. What I found more interesting was our colleague Gabriel Sherman’s report
that in the aftermath of the Election Night embarrassment, Ailes has
downsized the air time on Fox allotted to Karl Rove and Dick Morris, who
between them called almost everything wrong it was possible to call
wrong. The same had already happened to Sarah Palin. Fox clearly needs
new stars to keep its disconsolate base on the reservation during
Obama’s second term. I am hoping for Donald Trump and Herman Cain.
Read the full story here.
Read the full story here.
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